Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia has won realworldcasting.com. Her spot on the program was made possible by her devoted group of friends. They worked tirelessly with Ayiiia to win. Ayiiia is of Mexican roots and is bilingual in Spanish However, it's the first time that she's traveled to Mexico for an extended period. She is not one to hold back. However, sometimes she's able to do it with such a viciousness as to alienate her fellow roommates. She finds out that life in The Real World's house is a lot more difficult than she had hoped for. Ayiiia is a reformed socialite with a past of substance abuse and cutting. Ayiiia has a claim that she is to not be a judge and who will stand by her beloved people, can be a bit bitter. Ayiiia began a long-term relationship with another woman. She was living with her mom and her mom in San Diego, and looking for her own place before the reunion. During the reunion it was revealed that her and Jonna weren't close due to conflicts they experienced with each other during filming.
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